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Erena Ellen Hill

Ko Tainui te waka, ko Rangitikei te awa, ko Raukawa te iwi, ko Ngāti Parewahawaha te hapū, ko Ohinepuhiawe te whenua. I took on this trustee role because I am a shareholder and I want to be a voice for other shareholders. I also want to maintain a strong connection to the whenua and making sure the whenua stays in the hands of the owners.

My involvement in this trust goes back many years.  I became a trustee 1993 – 1999, then 2018 to the present day, I am the Health and Safety Officer. I am also trustee on the Parewahawaha Marae Committee (since 1967), and trustee of the Parewahawaha Kaumātua Flats (since the early 70s).​

My working background was largely in the health industry where I was a psychiatric assistant at Lake Alice Hospital then became a nurse at Whanganui Hospital, Lake Alice Hospital and Raukawa Northern Health. When I semi-retired I became a caregiver for my grandchildren then later a PORSE caregiver for my great grandchildren. During this time I was a committee member on the Rangitikei District Council and the Māori Consultative Committee for the Manawatu District Council. I was also a volunteer at the Bulls Museum. I am now fully retired and caregiver for my husband.

I will end with a quote from Goethe’s autobiography, volume 2:

"In life, action is everything, to do nothing, brings gloom and sorrow unto itself "

Kahurangi Anna-Lee Harrison

Te Rangi Pumamao Reweti = Arohanui Te Tahiwi MacLennan
Oma Reweti Cribb Heitia = Tony Cribb
Kahurangi Anna-Lee Cribb Harrison

I have been a trustee with Ohinepuhiawe Ahu WhenuaTrust for two years. I put my name forward to be a trustee as I believe that I can contribute to the stability and growth of the Trust. 


I have a background in business and fashion, over the years I have been instrumental in developing two Māori clothing brands “Tahi” and “Kia Kaha – Forever Strong”. Tahi was the first Māori clothing brand in New Zealand. During my time with Tahi I worked with prominent Māori leaders such as Bishop Manu Bennett (Patron for Tahi), Leith Comer (ex CEO Te Puni Kōkiri) and Dame Georgina Kirby ( Māori Women’s Welfare League) to name a few.

I was also on the Board of Trustees for Gladstone Primary School in Mt Albert and Kuini Wikitoria in Parnell (before its closure) both in Auckland.

I have traveled extensively both for business and  leisure therefore I believe I have a world view when representing the Trust. Having said that I know my tūrangawaewae is in Ohinepuhiawe, where I will work towards building a strong future for all shareholders and beneficiaries.

My primary objective as trustee is to see Ohinepuhiawe whenua reach its full potential.

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Te Otimi Hill

Tēnā koutou
Ko Te Otimi (Jimmy Hill junior) tōku ingoa
I te taha o tōku mama
Ko Tongariro tōku Maunga
Ko Rangitikei tōku Awa
Ko Ohinepuhiawe tōku Whenua
Ko Parewahawaha tōku Hapū
Ka moe a Te Rangipumamao Reweti i a Arohanui  Mclennan
Ka Whānau mai ko Erena
Ka moe a Erena i a Otimi (Jimmy Senior)
Ka Whānau mai ko Ahau
Kia ora Koutou
My background is engineering, musician, inventor,  probation 
officer. I am currently a self employed engineer. I am the trust's Green Officer.


I am currently a trustee in two other Ahu Whenua trusts, one in Hawkes Bay and the other in Horohoro Rotorua.

Adventurous yet follow achievable management concepts and ideas that push the boundaries is what I would like to see and be involved in before I retire in a couple of years.

Marcia Erena McNab

Tēnā koutou katoa, ko Tainui te waka, ko Ngaio te maunga, ko Rangitikei te awa, ko Ngāti Raukawa te iwi, ko Ngāti  Parewahawaha te hapū, ko Te Rangipumamao Reweti tōku rangatira, ko Otimi Hill rāua ko Erena Hill ōku mātua, ko Paora tāku tāne, ko Te Atai Rangi Kahu rāua ko Paikea āku tamariki. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, kia ora koutou katoa.

I became a trustee in 2016, I am the trust's Secretary and Governance Officer. I hold a Graduate DipIoma in Business Studies majoring in  Management. My professional background is academic management and executive and advisory services.

I have worked at Massey University and Victoria University, faculties included Design, Fine Arts, Music, Architecture, Pasifika. I also worked as a contractor at Land Information New Zealand in the Geodetic and Business Innovation Group. I am currently employed as a Treaty Settlements Implementation Advisor at the Office for Māori Crown Relations - Te Arawhiti, in Wellington.

On a personal note, I am co-director/owner of two software development companies with my husband, Pāora. I am also a trustee of the McNab Business and McNab Family Trusts.

I also served as Secretary for the Whataarakai IE2B & Tarewa A2B Ahu Whenua Trust.


I became a trustee due to a desire to see Māori manage and develop their whenua; to ensure shareholders and beneficiaries continue occupation of the whenua; to offer my skills and expertise to create a successful trust; and to continue my passion in matters related to whenua Māori.


I look forward to working for the shareholders and beneficiaries. Ngā mihi.

Fern Leaves
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